Adis Company supports young contestants, who participate in rallies. In season 2005 we supported Wojtek Kokoszka/Szymon Zawisza team. They drove Peugeot 2005 GTi, A6 class, which was fully covered with our company colours. Our biggest success during that season was 2nd place in the class and 8th in general classification in 27th Krakow Rally, which was first big competition for the driver. In the last competition of the season, "Barborka" Cieszyn Rally our team came 2nd in A6 class and 17th in general classification.
During season 2006 we continued supporting promising young driver from Bochnia. Unfortunately our cooperation finished during special section of the 28th Krakow Rally.
In 2008 we decided to support team Stanislaw Knapczyk/Agnieszka Starosta (Honda Civic N2 class). After few problems with changing and then adjusting the car, out team was able to start in 3 rallies. This prepared us for the 2008 season, in which we have two Hondas Civic advertising our company. Teams Przmyslaw Obajtek/Jakub Wrobel (class A6) and Stanislaw Knapczyk/Agnieszka Starosta (class N2). We hope for a great future and fruitful cooperation with those promising contestants.